Slow Surface Electromagnetic Waves on a mu-Negative Cylinder

Keywords: Metamaterial, Negative permeability, Cylinder, Surface electromagnetic wave


This paper presents the theoretical study of metamaterials with negative magnetic permeability. The electrodynamics phenomenological description has been chosen. The dispersion properties of slow surface electromagnetic waves propagating along a circular cylinder made of mu-negative metamaterial are studied. We neglect energy losses in the metamaterial. Negativity of permeability occurs in relatively bounded frequency intervals, and for all modes, a normal dispersion occurs, regardless of parameter values. The values of phase velocities of these waves lie between c and 0.3c. The phase velocity dependencies of the studied modes versus their frequency have a diverse appearance. The directions of group and phase velocities coincide. The values of group velocity are less than 0.002c. The wave fields are the superposition of transverse-electric and transverse-magnetic parts and decay exponentially in a radial direction away from the separating boundary. The wave fields penetrate mu- negative metamaterial much weaker than into a vacuum. Wave propagation in the structure does not require an external magnetic field. The variety of these wave features on the cylinder parameters can be used for different applications.



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How to Cite
Galaydych, V., & Azarenkov, M. (2025). Slow Surface Electromagnetic Waves on a mu-Negative Cylinder. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 383-387.