Possibilities of Using Ukrainian Clinoptilolite (Sokyrnytsia Deposit) in Nuclear Energy

Keywords: Zeolite, Cesium, Strontium, Cobalt, Europium


The clinoptilolite from the Sokyrnytsia deposit belongs to the zeolite family and is known for its application as sorbents in nuclear energy. The sorption of cesium, strontium, cobalt, and europium ions by clinoptilolite has been studied. The research examined how the composition and structure of clinoptilolite influence sorption. Sorption properties were assessed using the sorption coefficient, which quantitatively measures clinoptilolite's interaction with radionuclides. The results revealed that clinoptilolite exhibits the highest sorption efficiency for cesium (87.0%) and strontium (80.5%). Europium showed a sorption efficiency of 73.0%, while cobalt exhibited a lower sorption efficiency of 60.0%. The study established an ion exchange sequence for these ions in the sorption process and observed a dependency on the ionic radius of the sorbed ions. The presence and concentration of competing ions significantly affected the sorption efficiency. For instance, sodium ions in the solution reduced sorption by up to 25%, depending on the radionuclide. Increased sodium ion concentration caused an additional 26% to 40% sorption reduction. Similarly, tripling the strontium concentration in the solution reduced the sorption effect. The sorption experiments were conducted under both static and dynamic conditions. Radionuclide content was determined using the characteristic X-ray emission (XRE) method. This technique analyzes the characteristic X-ray radiation of radionuclides excited by a proton beam. The experiments were carried out at the analytical nuclear-physical complex "Sokil." Samples were irradiated in the XRE channel, where targets were placed in a cassette within an irradiation chamber under a vacuum of 10−4 Pa. The proton beam, with a current of 200 nA and an energy of 1600 keV, was used to excite the X-ray radiation of cesium, strontium, and cobalt atoms. The characteristic X-ray radiation of the K-series of strontium atoms was detected using two detectors: the XR-100CR Si-PIN X-ray detector and the Ge(HP) detector. Considering its established radionuclide selectivity sequence, the clinoptilolite from the Sokyrnytsia deposit can be utilized in Ukraine's nuclear energy industry.



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How to Cite
Lonin, O. Y., Levenets, V. V., Omelnyk, O. P., & Shchur, A. O. (2025). Possibilities of Using Ukrainian Clinoptilolite (Sokyrnytsia Deposit) in Nuclear Energy. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 295-300. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2025-1-35