Comparative Study and Analytical Modeling of AlGaN/GaN HEMT and MOSHEMT Based Biosensors for Biomolecules Detection

  • Abdellah Bouguenna Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Oran, Electronics Department, Electrical Engineering Faculty, Sciences & Technology University of Oran (MB-USTO), Oran, Algeria
  • Abdelhadi Feddag Department of Electronics. Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Microsystems and Embedded Systems Laboratory of Oran, Algeria
  • Driss Bouguenna Geomatics, Ecology and Environment Laboratory, Nature and Life Science Faculty, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria; Common Core Science and Technology Department, Sciences and Technology Faculty, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria
  • Ibrahim Farouk Bouguenna Electrical Engineering Department, Sciences and Technology Faculty, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria
Keywords: AlGaN/GaN, HEMT, MOSHEMT, Biosensors, Biomolecules


In this study, a model has been developed to analyze AlGaN/GaN high-electron-transistor (HEMT) and metal-oxide semiconductor high-electron-transistor (MOSHEMT) based biosensors. The model focuses on detecting biomolecules such as ChOx, protein, streptavidin and uricase by modulating the dielectric constant. The sensitivity parameters used for biomolecule detection include drain current, transconductance, and drain off sensitivity. The dielectric constant is adjusted based on the specific biomolecule being sensed by the biosensor. The variation in dielectric leads to changes in drain current, with an increase or decrease depending on the positive charge of the biomolecules. The HEMT device exhibits greater variations in drain current, transconductance, and drain off sensitivity compared to the MOSHEMT device when the biomolecule is present in the cavity region. The simulation results are validated by comparing them with Atlas-TCAD (atlas-technology computer aided design) and experimental data, showing excellent agreement.



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How to Cite
Bouguenna, A., Feddag, A., Bouguenna, D., & Bouguenna, I. F. (2025). Comparative Study and Analytical Modeling of AlGaN/GaN HEMT and MOSHEMT Based Biosensors for Biomolecules Detection. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 284-289.