Performance Enhancement of InGaP/GaAs Dual-Junction Solar Cells Through BSF Layer Optimization and Hetero-Tunnel Junction

  • Ikram Zidani Applied Materials Laboratory, Djilali Liabes University, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
  • Zouaoui Bensaad Applied Materials Laboratory, Djilali Liabes University, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
  • Loumafak Hafaifa Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Computer Science, Ziane Achour University, Djelfa, Algeria; Physico-Chemistry of Materials and Environment Laboratory, Ziane Achour University, Djelfa, Algeria
  • Hamza Abid Applied Materials Laboratory, Djilali Liabes University, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
  • Ahmed Hafaifa Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Djelfa, Algeria
Keywords: InGaP/GaAs DJSCs, Solar cell, BSF, Silvaco-Atlas, Optimization


This study focuses on the simulation and optimization of an InGaP/GaAs dual-junction solar cells using Silvaco Atlas software, with a special emphasis on the incorporation of a hetero tunnel junction. The hetero-tunnel junction plays a pivotal role in enabling efficient charge carrier transport between the sub-cells, significantly improving the overall cell efficiency. Additionally, a new back-surface field (BSF) layer was integrated into the GaAs bottom sub-cell to further enhance performance. Various material combinations for the hetero-tunnel junction such as GaInP/GaAs, AlGaInP/GaInP, and AlGaInP/GaAs were systematically tested to assess their influence on device efficiency. The optimized structure demonstrated a short-circuit current density of 1.780 mA/cm², an open-circuit voltage of 2.310 V, a fill factor of 86.501%, and a conversion efficiency of 35.57% under AM1.5G illumination at 300 K. Recombination losses were minimized by the BSF layer optimization in the top and bottom cell, particularly with AlGaInP, leading to improved charge collection. Elevated temperatures were found to reduce both the open-circuit voltage and efficiency, highlighting the necessity of thermal management. These optimizations represent significant improvements over prior designs.



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How to Cite
Zidani, I., Bensaad, Z., Hafaifa, L., Abid, H., & Hafaifa, A. (2025). Performance Enhancement of InGaP/GaAs Dual-Junction Solar Cells Through BSF Layer Optimization and Hetero-Tunnel Junction. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 141-150.