Effects of Hall Current on Darcy-Forchheimer MHD Mixed Convective Flow Over a Vertical Surface with Rotation in Porous Medium

Keywords: Hall current, Rotation, Darcy Forchheimer, Mixed convection, Bvp4c


The analysis of Darcy-Forchheimer MHD flow has been a concern of consideration for research scientists and engineers. This work examines the unsteady hydrodynamic mixed convective flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid as well as the transfer of heat and mass in a vertical surface with the Hall current, rotation, and Darcy-Forchheimer effect. Through similarity transformation, the dimensionless unstable governing equation's exact solution is found. Then, using the Matlab method Bvp4c, the similarity ordinary differential equation was solved. When the exact solution and those produced by Elgazery and Stanford were compared to the numerical result for a few exceptional circumstances, there was a fair degree of agreement. Graphs are used to show the temperature, concentration, and fluid velocity. In contrast, skin friction, the Sherwood number, and the Nusselt number are calculated in tabular form.



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How to Cite
Roy, S., Sarma, D., Sarma, A. K., & Mudoi, S. (2025). Effects of Hall Current on Darcy-Forchheimer MHD Mixed Convective Flow Over a Vertical Surface with Rotation in Porous Medium. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 112-121. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2025-1-10