Influence of SiO2 Nanoparticles on the Characteristics of a Polyvinyl Alcohol-Based Proton Exchange Composite Membrane

  • U.F. Berdiev U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • I.Kh. Khudaykulov U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-Placma and Laser Technologies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  • Sh.Ch. Iskandarov U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • A.J. Amirova U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Kh.B. Ashurov U.A. Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Proton exchange membrane, Nanocomposite membranes, Polyvinyl alcohol-based separation membranes, Nafion117, Vanadium redox flow batteries, Tetroethoxysilan, Alkylbenzosulfonic acid


This paper presents a study of nanocomposite membranes based on cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol with silica nanoparticles, fabricated by solution casting, for application in vanadium redox batteries (VRFBs). The structure of the membranes was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). It was found that the nanoparticles were successfully integrated into the matrix of the proton exchange membrane to improve its performance. The synthesis of silica nanoparticles by in situ sol-gel method in polymer solution showed better performance compared to the addition of prepared nanoparticles. The membrane properties such as mechanical properties, water absorption, ion exchange material (IEM), proton conductivity and permeability to vanadium ions were investigated. The nanocomposite membranes showed higher water absorption, IEM and lower permeability for vanadium ions compared to Nafion117 membrane. The test results of single cell VRFB with nanocomposite membranes showed higher Coulomb yield (CE) and efficiency (EE) up to 81.51% compared to Nafion117. The self-discharge rate of VRFBs with nanocomposite membranes was lower than that of Nafion117. After 50 test cycles, the nanocomposite membrane showed stable battery performance. The results indicate that nanocomposite membranes are a promising and affordable alternative material for Nafion117 in VRFBs.



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How to Cite
Berdiev, U., Khudaykulov, I., Iskandarov, S., Amirova, A., & Ashurov, K. (2025). Influence of SiO2 Nanoparticles on the Characteristics of a Polyvinyl Alcohol-Based Proton Exchange Composite Membrane. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 265-271.