Radiative Effect on an Unsteady Darcy Forchheimer MHD Flow Over a Vertically Inclined Stretching Sheet in Presence of Porous Medium

  • Ankur Kumar Sarma Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati, India https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6209-8859
  • Sunmoni Mudoi Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati, India https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9200-5103
  • Palash Nath Department of Mathematics, Barbhag College, Kalag, India
  • Pankaj Kalita Department of Mathematics, ADP College, Nagaon, India
  • Gaurabh Bardhan Department of Mathematics, Tyagbir Hem Baruah College, Jamugurihat, Sonitpur, India
Keywords: Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Radiation, Darcy-Forchheimer, Porous medium, Heat transfer, Unsteady


This study looks at how radiation and heat move through a two-dimensional, unsteady Darcy-Forchheimer MHD flow that flows across a porous, stretched plate that is vertically inclined and has a transverse magnetic field applied to it. We use the MATLAB bvp4c approach to numerically translate the controlling boundary layer nonlinear PDEs, which are partial differential equations, into a set of nonlinear ODEs, which are ordinary differential equations, using the similarity transformation. We quantitatively assess the velocity and temperature profiles using graphs that represent the problem's various characteristics, including unsteadiness, Prandtl number, magnetic, Grashoff number, radiation parameter, and Eckert number. Tables illustrate the effects on skin friction () and Nusselt number (Nu). The velocity profile decreases as the magnetic and inertial parameters increase, and the temperature profile decreases with the increases in the radiation parameters.



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How to Cite
Sarma, A. K., Mudoi, S., Nath, P., Kalita, P., & Bardhan, G. (2024). Radiative Effect on an Unsteady Darcy Forchheimer MHD Flow Over a Vertically Inclined Stretching Sheet in Presence of Porous Medium. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 143-151. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2024-4-13