Identification of Heavy Metals Pollution Sources in The Territory Adjacent to NSC “Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology” by PMF Method

Keywords: Heavy metals, Elemental analysis, Characteristic X-ray radiation, Positive matrix factorization, Method of principal component analysis (PCA)


In this paper the content of heavy metals at the territory of Pyatihatki settlement, where the National Scientific Center Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology (NSC KIPT) is located. The nuclear-physical methods were used to determine the content of chemical elements in the soil samples taken in 30 points at the territory of Pyatihatki settlement in 2011-2021. The elemental analysis was carried out on the analytical nuclear-physical complex "Sokol". The methods, based on registration of characteristic X-ray radiation of atoms and g-radiation of nuclei excited by accelerated protons, were used.  After the measurements completion, the data arrays on the content of 15 chemical elements (N, Na, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Zr, Br, Sr, Pb) in the soil samples were obtained. The data arrays processing was carried out using the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) PMF v3. software based on the application of the PMF (Positive matrix factorisation) algorithm. ArcView 3.2a was chosen as the basic software product for the analysis of spatial distribution of the major polluting chemical elements. As a result of the performed work, the pollution sources, which have an impact on the territory near the NSC KIPT, have been identified. The source of the soil pollution is the autostrades, among which the road around the city Kharkiv stands out, where an increase in the content of Pb, Sr, Zr, Cr and Cu was detected.  A source of chromium contamination, located presumably to the north-east of Pyatihatki settlement, was identified. The analyses of the obtained data showed that the PMF method allows to identify the factors that affect the soil contamination, and to determine the presumptive sources of pollution with the help of wind rose.



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How to Cite
Kozhevnikova, M. F., Levenets, V. V., Lonin, O. Y., Omelnik, O. P., & Shchur, A. O. (2024). Identification of Heavy Metals Pollution Sources in The Territory Adjacent to NSC “Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology” by PMF Method. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 405-410.