Instability of Ion Cyclotron Waves (ICWS) at the Expense of Lower Hybrid Drift Waves (LHDWS) Turbulence Energy

Keywords: Ion Cyclotron waves, Lower Hybrid Drift Waves, Wave Amplification, Density Gradient, Non-linear wave particle interaction


Instability of ion cyclotron waves(ICWs) is investigated in presence of lower hybrid drift waves(LHDWs) turbulence. Plasma inhomogeneity in the Earth’s magnetopause region supports a range of low frequency drift wave turbulent fields due to gradients in density in different regions of the media. One of these drift phenomena is identified as lower hybrid drift waves (LHDWs) which satisfies resonant conditions ω − k · v = 0. We have considered a nonlinear wave-particle interaction model where the resonant wave that accelerates the particle in magnetopause may transfer its energy to ion cyclotron waves through a modulated field. In spite of the frequency gaps between the two waves, energy can be transferred nonlinearly to generate unstable ion cyclotron waves which always do not satisfy the resonant condition Ω−K · v ≠ 0 and the nonlinear scattering condition Ω − ω − (Kk) · v ̸= 0. Here, ω and Ω are frequencies of the resonant and the nonresonant waves respectively and k and K are the corresponding wave numbers. We have obtained a nonlinear dispersion relation for ion cyclotron waves(ICWs) in presence of lower hybrid drift waves(LHDWs)
turbulence. The growth rate of the ion cyclotron waves using space observational data in the magnetopause region has been estimated.


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How to Cite
Mundhra, R., & Deka, P. (2023). Instability of Ion Cyclotron Waves (ICWS) at the Expense of Lower Hybrid Drift Waves (LHDWS) Turbulence Energy. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 54-65.