Advancements in Thermoluminescence Dating: A Case Study of Medieval Brick Structures in Azerbaijan

Keywords: Ballabur castle, Thermoluminescence dating, Annual dose rate, Quartz


The study aimed to improve the precision of dating historical landmarks, specifically the Ballabur castle in Lenkaran, Azerbaijan Republic, using the thermoluminescence dating (TL) method. The annual dose rate, calculated with a -spectrometer equipped with a hyper-pure germanium detector, was found to be 2.98±0.19 mGy/year. By employing an online dose rate and age calculator, the sample's age was determined to be 920±50 years, consistent with the historical estimates of this region.




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How to Cite
Mammadov, S., & Abishov, A. (2023). Advancements in Thermoluminescence Dating: A Case Study of Medieval Brick Structures in Azerbaijan. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 535-538.