Study of Fusion Reactions of Light Projectiles on Light and Medium Targets

Keywords: Coupled-channels, Fusion cross section, Fusion barrier distribution


The fusion and breakup reactions of some light projectiles on light and medium targets using semi-classical and full quantum mechanical approaches were adopted to calculate the total cross section σfus and the distribution of the fusion barrier Dfus for the systems 12C + 48Ti, 16O+63Cu, 35Cl+25Mg and 35Cl+27Al. The coupling between the channel’s contribution from elastic and breakup channels were considered to show their importance in the calculations. The results compared with the measured data and shows reasonable matching, and it is shown that the coupling considered is very essential to be considered, especially below the Coulomb barrier Vb.




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How to Cite
Mehemed, M. S. (2023). Study of Fusion Reactions of Light Projectiles on Light and Medium Targets. East European Journal of Physics, (2), 241-248.