Analysis of Isolated Photons in Photoproduction in PYTHIA

  • Andrii Iudin 1European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute Hingston, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Sergey Voronov National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky", Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: isolated photons, jet, Monte Carlo, PYTHIA, electron-proton collision


Collision of particles at high energies at accelerators is the main source of data used to obtain deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions and the structure of the matter. Processes of isolated photon production have provided many tests of theoretical descriptions of the universe on scales smaller than the proton. This work is dedicated to the analysis of the large amount of collision data that has been accumulated at ZEUS in 2004-2007 period and new methods of processing isolated photons that have been proposed. The authors develop software algorithms that allow obtaining the signal of isolated photons from the data collected on the ZEUS detector at electron-proton collider HERA, calculating the differential cross sections, and comparing the measured data with PYTHIA Monte Carlo predictions. Taking into account the features of the ZEUS detector, the photon signal is separated from the background events and the number of isolated photons is calculated. Computational mathematical and numerical methods have been used to simulate the interaction of particles in the detector. Monte Carlo predictions for differential cross sections as functions of the pseudorapidity and transverse energy of the photon ηg, ETg and the jet ηjet, ETjet, and the fraction of the photon momentum хgmeas carried by the interacting parton have been calculated and compared with the experimental data. The results of the study are compared with the previous studies and show for the first time that all isolated photon HERA measurements are consistent with each other. New results show improved uncertainties. The formation of isolated inclusive photons and photons with the accompanying jet was measured in photoproduction with ZEUS detector at HERA collider using the integrated luminosity of 374 ± 7 pb-1. For the first time, more complex Monte-Carlo simulation models of isolated photons for ZEUS detector were generated and applied, and the description of the photon signal was improved. It has been found that PYTHIA describes the shape of the cross section as a function of ηg well enough, but does not fully reproduce the shape of ETg, ETjet, and the middle region of хgmeas, while ηjet is described not very well. The reason for this discrepancy can be the lack of corrections of higher orders in the predictions for cross sections of direct photons. Scaling of the cross sections obtained with PYTHIA improves the description of ETg and ηg. The unsatisfactory description of ηjet indicates that further studies are required.


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How to Cite
Iudin, A., & Voronov, S. (2019). Analysis of Isolated Photons in Photoproduction in PYTHIA. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 10-20.