The Basic Summaries of Working Out of Recirculator SALO Magnetooptical System

  • Ivan Guk National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Stanislav Kononenko National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Fedor Peev National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Alexander Tarasenko National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: electron, recirculator, dipole magnet, quadrupole lens, SALO


Effects of modelling moving an electron beam in the optimised magnetooptical structure recirculator SALO are in-process resulted. Modelling is spent with the account of agency of nonlinear components of a magnetic field of dipole magnets and quadrupole lenses with use of programs TRANSPORT and MAD-X. The gained effects testify to a possibility of a beam production of the given sizes in points of a leading-out and beam acceleration without essential losses along accelerator.


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How to Cite
Guk, I., Kononenko, S., Peev, F., & Tarasenko, A. (2019). The Basic Summaries of Working Out of Recirculator SALO Magnetooptical System. East European Journal of Physics, (1017(3), 107-116. Retrieved from