Magnetostatic Waves in Structure with Two Anisotropic Layers with Noncollinear Orientation of Magnetizations

  • Artem Bukhanko Donetsk Physicotechnical Institute NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine
Keywords: magnetostatic waves, bilayer structure, noncollinear orientation, anisotropy, dispersion relationship


In this paper we present a theoretical investigation of the magnetostatic volume wave propagation in bilayer structure consisted of two ferromagnetic layers. The magnetic anisotropy field is assumed to be different in the two layers, and hence the magnetization in one layer сan be aligned at an angle with respect to the magnetization direction in the other layer. The case of cubic and indused uniaxial anisotropy have been considered. Numerical calculations for YIG (yttrium-iron-garnet) ferrites show anisotropic propagation of the volume magnetostatic wave in that structure. Dispersion curves for YIG bilayer structure are shown to illustrate the effects of angle between the magnetization vectors in the magnetic layers and propagation direction on the properties of magnetostatic waves.


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How to Cite
Bukhanko, A. (2013). Magnetostatic Waves in Structure with Two Anisotropic Layers with Noncollinear Orientation of Magnetizations. East European Journal of Physics, (1041(2), 57-63. Retrieved from