Institute of Theoretical Physics Akhiezer. Origins. The first attempt in the USSR

  • Alla Tan'shyna National Science Center «Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology»
Keywords: Institute of theoretical physics, Akhiezer, Kharkiv


On the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine & the 90th anniversary of the founding of the NSC "KIPT"

... In Kharkov, a powerful school of modern theoretical physics was created ...



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"We must remember that before the appearance of Peter Kapitsa, we were the first and only laboratory in the USSR ..."
(2020) East European Journal of Physics

How to Cite
Tan’shyna, A. (2019). Institute of Theoretical Physics Akhiezer. Origins. The first attempt in the USSR. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 111-118.
History of Science