Supramolecular Design of Carbons for Energy Storage with the Reactanse-Sensor Functional Hybridity

Keywords: supramolecular assemblies, cavitandes, cavitates, nanoporous carbon, porous structure, impedance spectroscopy, Nyquist diagram, photovaricaps


The purpose of this work is to expand the class of electrical energy storage devices with non-conjugate functional hybridity. Cyclodextrins of β- and γ-modifications has used as a starting material for research. These materials containing intramolecular voids, which are able to accommodate guest components by molecular recognition on the "lock-key" principle. Methods of precision porometry and impedance spectroscopy has used to study the obtained carbon structures, electrochemical and magnetic measurements has performed to study the obtained carbon structures. Data of the precision porometry has indicated a bimodal porous structure of the synthesized chars. The total specific surface area of active surface of the β-cyclodextrin carbonizate was about 72 m2/g. After KOH-modification, the specific capacity for β-cyclodextrin char was 158 F/g, and in the negative potential range – 203 F/g. The last value for γ-cyclodextrin carbon was 162 F/g. The ability of β-cyclodextrin to molecular recognition of ferrocene (FC) has used and this cavitat has subjected to activation carbonation according to the same modes as β-cyclodextrin. The specific capacity of the obtained char of the β-CD complex after the KOH-modification was 110 F/g, the specific capacity of the cavitate carbon synthesized on γ-CD has dropped twice. The study of complexes host-guest inclusions β-cyclodextrin with molecular iodine has indicated a slight increase of capacity. However, their interface with 30 % aqueous electrolyte solution has shown high photosensitivity. The specific capacitance of the cavitate carbon without KOH-modification has increased four times when it was illuminated with integral and monochromatic light from LEDs of the same intensity. Magnetic studies of the synthesized carbonates have shown that they all demonstrate ferromagnetic properties. Measurement under normal conditions and in a constant magnetic field of cells of symmetric configuration on carbon-based electrodes synthesized with γ-CD and γ-CD has showed that their capacitance practically does not change, but their reactance parameters change significantly. Supercapacitors based on these carbonates can serve as sensors of a weak magnetic field at room temperature. Magnetovarionistors is a new class of devices, which are forming on such kind of supercapacitors.



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How to Cite
Grygorchak, I., Borysiuk, A., Shvets, R., Matulka, D., & Hryhorchak, O. (2019). Supramolecular Design of Carbons for Energy Storage with the Reactanse-Sensor Functional Hybridity. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 48-57.