Molecular Dynamics Study of Amyloidogenic Mutants of Human Lysozyme

Keywords: Human lysozyme, amyloidogenic mutants, molecular dynamics, protein aggregation, amyloid


The mutants of human lysozyme are capable of fibril formation implicated in the etiology of familial systemic or renal amyloidosis. A series of 100 ns thermal unfolding molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with WT human lysozyme and its seven amyloidogenic variants (I56T, D67H, F57I, W64R, Y54N, F57I/T70N and T70N/W112R) have been performed at 500 K. The molecular dynamics simulations were performed with GROMACS software (version 5.1) using the CHARMM36m force field. The MD results have been analysed in terms of the parameters characterizing both the global and local protein structure, such as the backbone root mean-square deviation, gyration radius, solvent accessible surface area, the root mean-square fluctuations and the secondary structure content. Depending on the observed effects, the examined variants of human lysozyme have been roughly divided into three groups comprising of mutants with faster (Y54N and F57I/T70N), similar (D67H and I56T) or slower (W64, F57I and T70N/W112R) unfolding rate compared to the wild-type counterpart. The analysis of the protein fluctuational behavior revealed that in most mutants the β-domain displays stronger fluctuations (except the W64R and F57I) and higher flexibility of the C- and D-helices relative to the native lysozyme with the exception of W64R and Y54N which show marked decrease (W64R) or increase (Y54N) in mobility of almost all residues. The analysis of secondary structure evolution provided evidence for higher stability of α-domain compared to β-domain. The results obtained reinforce the idea that mutation-induced global structural destabilization is not the only factor contributing to protein misfolding, the modifications in conformation and dynamics of selected protein regions may also play significant role in amyloid fibril formation.



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How to Cite
Tarabara, U., Trusova, V., Vus, K., Ryzhova, O., & Gorbenko, G. (2019). Molecular Dynamics Study of Amyloidogenic Mutants of Human Lysozyme. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 30-39.

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