Keywords: independent learning activity, competencies, engineers-pedagogues, digital technologies, critical thinking, self-organization, higher education



The article explores the importance of independent learning activities for the development of general and special competencies of future engineer-teachers in the context of modern challenges of higher education. The authors emphasize the necessity of training specialists who are capable of self-improvement, critical thinking and creative approach to problem solving.

The article identifies relevant aspects of the problem related to independent learning activities in the training of engineer-teachers, including: insufficient attention to the development of students' independence in traditional teaching methods; the necessity to form professional competencies; the impact of digital technologies, which students often do not know how to use effectively; motivational barriers and difficulties with self-organization; lack of a systematic approach to monitoring and evaluating the results of independent work.

The paper examines the theoretical aspects of organizing independent learning activities, their types and features, as well as the impact on the formation of competencies defined in the standard for the specialty 015 “Vocational Education” (by specialization) for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, since it ensures the coherence of educational activities with modern requirements of society, stimulates the improvement of the quality of student training and promotes their competitiveness in the labor market.

Based on the analysis of the competencies defined in the standard for the specialty 015 “Vocational Education” (by specialization) for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, the general and professional competencies that are formed through independent learning activities are identified. The approaches to planning, monitoring and evaluating the results of independent work, as well as methods of increasing student motivation and developing their ability to self-education are highlighted. 

The research emphasizes the need to use modern methods and digital technologies to improve the effectiveness of independent learning. Attention is also focused on motivational aspects, the importance of a systematic approach to organizing, monitoring and evaluating students' independent work for their professional development and preparation for the challenges of modern education. The article contains practical recommendations for teachers to optimize the organization of students' independent work.

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