Keywords: personality socialization, components of personality socialization, , higher educational institutions, higher education applicants, war, adaptation, digital skills, psychological support



Purpose. To analyze the components affecting the socialization of higher education applicants during studying at higher educational institutions in wartime, to identify the factors promoting or impeding the students' social integration.

Methods. To identify the degree of problem development, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature have been used, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization, which made it possible to systematically consider and characterize research concepts and draw conclusions and determine prospects.

Results. The relevance of the problem under study in the context of the challenges of a full-scale invasion in Ukraine has been substantiated. The components of the socialization of higher educational applicants in the context of military conflict have been studied. It is determined how external stressors, such as forced relocation, loss of loved ones, threat to life and changes in the social environment, affect the formation of personal traits and life orientations of students. Particular attention is paid to the impact of war on the process of social adaptation, the formation of civic consciousness and the development of interpersonal relationships of students. Both positive and negative factors that determine the peculiarities of socialization are considered, the role of higher education institutions in providing support to students is analyzed. Prospects for improving educational practices in wartime have been presented. The adaptive mechanisms of higher educational institutions contributing to the successful socialization of students, including the development of digital skills, the introduction of psychological support and the preservation of communication interaction have been considered.

Conclusions. During wartime, the process of socialization of higher educational students changes dramatically and considers the influence of a number of factors. The findings of the study emphasize the importance of further attention to the socialization of students in crisis conditions. A comprehensive approach to studying this problem will contribute to the development of effective educational practices and promote the development of resilient and socially active individuals. The results of the study can be useful for developing support programs for students studying in conflict situations, as well as for further research in this area.

In cites: Bakumenko L. G. (2024). Analyzing the components of higher education applicants' socialization during studying in a higher educational institution in the war conditions. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 254 - 267. (in Ukrainian)



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