Although Ukraine is actively developing the use of web-resources in the educational process, the level of integration still does not reach the level observed in most European countries. In the EU, the implementation of web-resources in education is part of national digitalization strategies and is actively integrated into teaching methodologies. Ukraine needs to continue working on teacher training and increasing state support for digital initiatives in education to reach European standardsю
The article substantiates the important role of the systematic use of educational web - resources in the process of professional training of future engineers-pedagogues, which is one of the requirements of higher education informatization and directly affects the ability and desire of future specialists to use educational web resources in their professional activities. This study analyzes the state of implementation and use of digital educational resources in the educational process during distance learning to develop digital and programming competencies in students. The implementation of the educational and professional programs (EPP) “Computer Science” and “Vocational Education. Digital Technologies", of course, requires the development of curricula, and as a result, educational components. The educational components of both EPPs require the study of programming languages. Due to the conducted analysis of scientific sources in the IT and pedagogical spheres, the expediency of developing and implementing the educational web - resource “Programming in C#” in the educational process is scientifically substantiated. The authors analyzed the existing classifications of educational web - resources and developed their vision of the architecture and content of the author's development. The proposed educational web - resource is a practical result of the research work conducted within the framework of the international project “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development” of the Erasmus+ program.
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