Keywords: case-study method, case technology, economic disciplines, methodical principles, typology of cases, stages of creation of cases



Purpose. Despite the long period of using and studying the case method, in our opinion, not all aspects of this teaching technology have been thoroughly studied by pedagogical and methodological sciences. Therefore, the methodological principles of using case technologies in teaching economic disciplines represent a particular scientific interest. Accordingly, the aim of the article is to identify the methodological principles of using case technologies in teaching economic disciplines, and the specific tasks are as follows: to clarify the definition of the case-study method; to identify the advantages and disadvantages of case technologies; to provide a typology of cases; to describe the stages of case development.

Methods. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, a set of complementary general scientific and empirical methods has been used, in particular: synthesis; analogy; comparison; correlation; generalization; classification; systematization; analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature and normative documentation.

Results. Based on the opinions of leading scholars in the field of case method application and certain analytical and synthetic procedures, it has been determined that a radical change in the requirements for the quality and process of training economists in modern conditions requires new teaching technologies. In particular, using case technologies in teaching economic disciplines ensures the implementation of a competency-based approach, the practice-oriented approach to educational activities and the achievement of a new educational result related to the development of sustainable competitive advantages. The case-study method consists in comprehending, analyzing and synthesizing information, making informed decisions on a specific situation, reflected in the case, which contains a problem in its description and actualizes a certain experience and complex of knowledge to be acquired in solving the problem being studied. Analysis of scientific sources on the case method has made it possible to identify certain advantages and disadvantages of its application, as presented in the article. The author also identifies the most common types of cases and the criteria for their classification: degree of complexity; goals and objectives of the learning process; purpose; case subjects; informativeness; composition; type of methodological part; volume. The logic of case development allowed us to identify the main stages in the process of case creation. A possible scenario for organizing a lesson using the case method has also been determined.

Conclusions. A fundamental change in the requirements for the quality and process of training economists in modern conditions requires new teaching technologies. Using case technologies in teaching economic disciplines ensures the implementation of a competency-based approach, the practice-oriented character of educational activities and the achievement of a new educational result associated with the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages. Prospects for further research on case technologies are to identify and theoretically substantiate the pedagogical conditions for applying case-based learning technologies in teaching economic disciplines and to study the impact of teachers' organizational culture on their ability to use case technologies and ways to develop it.

In cites: Arlachov K. V., Rudas V. G. (2024). Methodological principles of using case technologies in teaching economic disciplines. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 212-223.  (in Ukrainian)



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