Keywords: linguistic modeling, scientific text, reading, listening, reproduction and production of monologic oral and written expression, professional terminological system for the development of speech, linguistic and communicative competences



Purpose. The current situation in education after Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine requires reformatting the leading forms of educational work in general and conducting classes in Ukrainian as a foreign language in particular: online learning primarily requires an increase in the intensity of classes to prepare students for educational activities in Ukrainian. The main objective of the discipline is to develop the communicative competence of a higher education student who is able to solve actual communication problems in the fields of educational, professional, social and cultural activities using Ukrainian. The competence-based approach to education involves changing not only the content side of foreign language teaching, but also requires new approaches to the organization of the educational process, in particular, the presentation of material not only in a knowledge-based but also in an activity-based form. The article examines the role of the modeling method, which is an essential characteristic of the modern style of thinking, describes its potential and peculiarities of application in the course of Ukrainian as a foreign language. By examining the functions and properties of linguistic models used in foreign language teaching methods, we have come to the conclusion that they are universal and can be applied to the theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The justification for using the modeling method in relation to any subject is that it serves as an intermediary between the theory of teaching and practice. Thus, the purpose of our article is to present the peculiarities of working with typical fragments of professional texts using the method of linguistic modeling.

Methods. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, a set of empirical and general scientific methods has been used: monitoring, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization, terminological, functional, systemic, cognitive analysis, as well as the method of linguistic text modeling.

Results. The essence of linguistic modeling and its role in working on scientific texts by foreign students of higher education has been studied. The main motivation for foreign students to learn a language is to acquire professional knowledge, and in this regard, language learning for special purposes in a foreign language classroom is most fully realized on the basis of an educational text.

It has been established that linguistic modeling is a way of cognition based on the creation and reproduction of models. A model is a new object reflecting the significant characteristics of the object being studied, a phenomenon or a process. The model reproduces the structure and properties of the object under study in a certain form.

Based on a personality-oriented approach and personal experience, it is determined that the task of modeling an educational and scientific text is to create exemplary educational material that allows you to create a statement focused on professional language. Educational texts contribute to the creation of speech situations that promote the development of skills in constructing oral and written monologue statements as the main goal of teaching the Ukrainian language.

It is proved that the primary task for foreign higher education students is the formation of communicative competence, which will allow them to solve actual communication problems in various fields, especially in educational and professional activities, and it is noted that one of the most effective methods of language acquisition is the method of linguistic modeling.

Conclusions. The expediency of teaching the basics of linguistic modeling to foreign students of the language in the specialty is its multifunctionality, because this technique forms the ability to distinguish the main semantic relations of a scientific text, promotes the development of skills in reading, listening, reproducing and producing monologue oral and written statements of students in Ukrainian, develops an analytical mindset, teaches logic. In addition, modeling training is an active cognitive process that includes obtaining information that forms the basis of professional training, familiarization with the genres of the scientific style of the Ukrainian language and interactive activities of the student to master the technology of working with texts in special disciplines.

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187 - 201. (in Ukrainian)



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