DOI: https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8922-2024-83-15
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of forming the methodological culture of future masters in vocational education. To achieve it, the following tasks have been solved: to clarify the essence of the concept of “formation of methodological culture of future teachers of vocational education institutions”; to develop a model of the process to form the methodological culture of future masters in vocational education; to highlight the features of methodological culture formation of future teachers of vocational education institutions and to draw appropriate conclusions.
Methods. To achieve the aim and solve the tasks, a set of complementary general scientific and empirical methods has been used, in particular: synthesis; analogy; comparison; correlation; generalization; classification; systematization; analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature and regulatory documentation.
Results. As part of solving the problem concerning the formation of modern professional competencies in future masters of vocational education, the issue of the importance of methodological culture as one of the leading components of pedagogical activity and the basis for the formation of professional and pedagogical competence has been considered. On the basis of studying the opinions of various scholars and certain analytical and synthetic procedures, it was clarified that the formation of methodological culture is a creative process of subjective mastering of methodological knowledge, skills, methods of methodological activity by students aimed at meeting professional needs, formation and development of personal qualities and abilities, evaluative transformation of the personality of their inner world in accordance with the canons of pedagogical culture, which contributes to creative self-realization in methodological activity. The pedagogical model of forming the methodological culture of a vocational teacher includes three stages: orientation and value; activity; reflexive and evaluative. Based on the study of the various scholars' opinions, the features of the methodological culture formation of future masters in vocational education were highlighted, the main of which include: mastering modern, primarily active and interactive forms of learning and teaching methods using digital technologies; mastering the techniques of developmental and problem-based learning; project and case methods; mastering the methodology of creating educational technologies providing an adequate ratio of content, means, methods and organizational forms of learning and skills of using modern methods of diagnosing the development of cognitive, emotional, volitional and personal spheres of students, as well as reflective methods of evaluating the results of professional achievements; the ability of the teacher to improve and modernize the existing system of pedagogical activity within which he/she carries out his/her own professional and pedagogical activity.
Conclusions. The development of a model of the process for the formation of the methodological culture of the future teacher at a vocational education institution has been carried out on the basis of cultural, activity and personal approaches. Prospects for further research are: identification and theoretical substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the process of forming the methodological culture of future masters in vocational education; the necessity to develop criteria and indicators to determine the achieved level of methodological culture.
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