Purpose. To analyze current scientific research on the problem of design competence of future engineer-teachers, and to conduct a terminological analysis of related and fundamental concepts, such as «competence,» «design activity,» «design competence,» and «design competence of engineer-teachers.»
Methods. Methods of theoretical and methodological analysis of literature on the research topic, regulatory and legislative documents were applied, along with analysis, synthesis, generalization, and systematization to clarify the meanings of the studied concepts and formulate conclusions.
Results. In modern conditions, ensuring a workforce that meets the real conditions and needs of the labor market and the demands for the quality of the country’s production potential is of paramount importance in Ukraine. A strategic role in solving this task is played by the system of vocational and technical education, which is closely linked to production and aims to train highly qualified specialists. This, in turn, requires teaching staff with a high level of current professional knowledge, skills, and competencies in both the psychological-pedagogical sphere and the field of production.Theoretical research allowed for the identification of related and fundamental concepts of the study. Based on an analysis of scientific works, the concept of competence was clarified as an integrative, dynamic quality of a person, characterizing their ability and readiness for successful activity in a specific field (including professional activity). Researchers view it from various perspectives, but its essential components are knowledge, skills, experience, values, and attitudes toward activity in a specific professional domain. It was found that in modern scientific literature, design activity is interpreted as an integrative process combining theoretical knowledge and practical actions of an educator aimed at developing and implementing educational projects to enhance the quality of education and develop professional competencies. It was determined that the specificity of training engineer-teachers in any field lies in the fact that their design activity is considered both in the psychological-pedagogical and professional training domains. Design competence should encompass both psychological-pedagogical and professional engineering-technical components of the training of future engineer-teachers in accordance with regulatory documentation: programs, plans, and innovative projects for the development of subject areas of the future specialist’s activity. In general, design competence is interpreted as an integrative quality of an educator that combines knowledge, skills, and personal qualities necessary for effective design and implementation of the educational process. The study also examined the specifics of the design competence of engineer-teachers as an integrative personal characteristic that accumulates interdisciplinary knowledge and skills enabling them to develop collaborative research activities with students, provide scientific guidance, and assist in the implementation of research projects. The analysis of scientific works on the issue of design competence of engineer-teachers revealed that there is currently no single interpretation of this concept. The essence of the term «design competence of an engineer-teacher» was clarified as the integrated result of the educational training of future engineer-teachers. It reflects the formation of relevant knowledge, skills, and professionally important qualities, representing the ability to engage in design activities in the fields of pedagogy and production through the development of pedagogical and production projects. The analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature also identified the structure of design competence, which includes the following components: motivational-value, cognitive, activity-based, and reflexive-evaluative.
Conclusion. Based on an analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, the essence of the concept of «design competence of an engineer-teacher» was clarified as an integrative, dynamic personal characteristic. It reflects a combination of design knowledge and skills, experience in design activities, orientation toward motivational-value attitudes, and reflexive-evaluative actions, enabling the development and evaluation of projects in the dual professional domains of pedagogy and technological expertise.
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