Keywords: information and digital competence, master of computer systems and networks, formation model, digitalization, the higher education



Purpose. According to competent experts, national education has a problem, which is the necessity to develop a model of cross-cutting information and digital competence of masters in computer systems and networks and its absence at the moment. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to model the cross-cutting information and digital competencies of masters in computer systems and networks, and the specific purposes of the article include analysis of foreign opinions and approaches to the information and digital competence formation of specialists; development of cross-cutting information and digital competencies model for masters in computer systems and networks.

Methods. To solve the tasks, we used a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, collation, generalization, classification, systematization), empirical (analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature, normative documentation) and universal (modeling) methods.

Results. A study of the leading scholars' opinions in this area has made it possible to conclude that the digitalization of education allows for increased virtual mobility of students. Accordingly, it can be stated that digital education is an accelerator of socio-economic life in the modern world. The EU Research Center has developed a model of digital competence of the population called Digcomp. It defines itself as a specific, critical and creative use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to achieve goals related to work, study, leisure, and participation in society. However, the question of the level of information and digital competencies development and the readiness of university teachers for such a transformation remains acute. The model of cross-cutting information and digital competencies (CICC) development for masters in computer systems and networks developed in the article corresponds to the principles of pedagogical modeling, includes the goal, objectives, results, principles and stages of formation. This model includes the following stages: preparatory, organizational and value-based, activity-based, and evaluation. Each stage has the same cross-cutting components: target; content; technological; and result. The model can be used in the process of training specialists in vocational education at different levels.

Conclusions. The theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific literature, observations and some experience in the formation and development of the CICC allowed us to identify the universality of digital competencies in different target groups of applicants: vocational education, future specialists in the social sphere and various industries. The pragmatism of the digitalization process, together with social responsibility, should be the basis for institutional support for the digital competencies of higher education students. Prospects for further research are seen in the development of criteria, indicators and indicators of the cross-cutting information and digital competencies of masters, as well as in determining the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the practical implementation of the developed model.

In cites: Zyryanov D. A., Deineko T. S. (2024). Modeling of cross-cutting information and digital competencies of masters. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 148-160. (in Ukrainian)



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