Keywords: information and educational environment, vocational education teacher, model of information and educational environment, vocational educational institution



Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the leading factors of professional development of vocational education teachers in the context of the information and educational environment.

Methods. To achieve this goal, a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, collation, generalization, classification, systematization), empirical (analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature, regulatory and normative documentation) and universal (modeling) methods have been used.

Results. The specifics of professional activity in vocational educational institutions include: teachers' lack of special pedagogical education; belonging of the educational institution to a certain sector of the national economy for which specialists are being trained; inclusion of non-teaching specialists in the teaching staff. The concept of “educational environment” includes both various information resources (information technology, reference and information, information and technical, information and software, information and educational, etc.) and a set of social and communicative interconnections (networking communities, thematic platforms, websites, blogging sites, etc.). The information and educational environment created for the professional development of vocational education teachers is characterized by certain features: intensity; openness and accessibility; dynamism; absence of geographical and political boundaries; active interaction; interactivity; opportunities to use elements of non-formal and informal education for self-education and professional development based on using Internet resources. The general understanding the information and educational environment of a vocational education institution, which would be an effective factor in promoting the competence of a vocational education teacher, allowed us to develop an appropriate model.

Conclusions. The set of specific factors for vocational teacher development includes: motivational factor, content factor, procedural and technological factor. These factors have an effective influence on the development of a vocational education teacher in the context of the information and educational environment of a vocational institution. Prospects for further research may include the issues of technical and methodological support, as well as the identification and theoretical substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model for the development of vocational education teachers in the context of the information and educational environment.

In cites: Gabruk O. O. (2024). Information and educational environment as a leading factor in the professional development of vocational education teachers. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 136-147.  (in Ukrainian)



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