Keywords: self-education, teacher of construction disciplines, professional competence, directions of self-education, self-education algorithm



Purpose. The article is aimed at solving the problem, which consists in the existence of high requirements from society for the possibility to carry out self-educational activities of teachers of building disciplines and their insufficient competence in this area.

Methods. To solve the tasks, a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, correlation, generalization, classification, systematization) and empirical (analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature, normative documentation) methods has been used.

Results. In accordance with the aim, the article defines the essence, structure, components and results of self-education as a leading factor in the professional competence of teachers of building disciplines, formulates the main tasks and forms of their self-education, develops an algorithm and possible directions of self-education as a planned work on the teacher's own personality. Defining the essence of self-education, it can be stated that the self-education of a teacher of building disciplines is his or her purposeful cognitive activity aimed at acquiring subjectively new systemic knowledge in the subject area, i.e. building, as well as in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods, general education and culture. The objectives of self-education are the following: the desire for personal development; awareness and use of new pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques in the educational process; continuous improvement of one's knowledge in the field of educational psychology; improvement of scientific knowledge in the field of theory and methods of teaching a particular discipline. The sequence of actions (algorithm) of a teacher's work on an individual topic can be as follows: choosing a topic of methodological work; careful familiarization with the problem that the topic of self-education is aimed at solving; development of a preliminary plan of methodological work on the chosen topic; selection of innovative pedagogical technologies; application of innovations in the process of own pedagogical activity; analysis and evaluation of the results of independent work; written record of the work done and writing a report on the results obtained.

Conclusions. The areas in which a teacher should self-educate and develop are generally the following: professional direction (discipline taught); pedagogical direction; psychological direction; methodological direction; regulatory and legal direction, etc. The author considers the following to be promising areas for further research: development of self-education technologies for teachers with different professional and pedagogical experience; establishment of a correlation between the amount of self-education of teachers and the level of their professional and pedagogical competence; development of self-diagnostic tools.

Як цитувати: Амецинський Д. В., Мельниченко О. О. Самоосвітня діяльність викладача будівельних дисциплін як провідний чинник розвитку професійної компетентності. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти. 2024. Вип. 83. С.111-122.



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