Keywords: andragogy, , competency-based approach, healthcare institutions, human resource policy, motivation, organizational and pedagogical principles, pedagogical technologies, professional development, reflection, simulation-based training



The article highlights the organizational and pedagogical principles of staff development management in health care institutions in the context of reforming the medical sector in Ukraine. The importance of introducing innovative educational technologies to improve the professional competence of healthcare workers as an important aspect of adaptation to modern standards of healthcare services has been revealed. The authors analyze the role of andragogical principles of adult learning, including the creation of a favorable educational environment, the development of interactive teaching methods, and individual educational trajectories as well as motivational programs.

The study emphasizes that there is a need to form a systematic approach to managing the staff professional development, including diagnosing educational needs, planning the educational process, introducing modern didactic tools and monitoring the effectiveness of educational activities. The importance of integrating pedagogical approaches to personnel policy, in particular through the development of soft skills, simulation training and reflective practices, is emphasized.

The article pays special attention to the motivational component, including tangible and intangible incentives aimed at improving the quality of medical services and ensuring sustainable professional development. Recommendations for creating adaptive models of staff development management in health care institutions considering the individual needs of employees and the specifics of the institution have been presented.

The results of the study can be used to improve educational programs, improve the skills of healthcare personnel and optimize the personnel management system.

In cites: Shalimova I. M., Burbyga V. A. (2024). Organizational and pedagogical principles of staff development management in a healthcare institution. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 94-110. (in Ukrainian)



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