Keywords: foreign language, distance learning, communicative competence, videoconference, online seminar, interactive tasks



The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities and effectiveness of using distance learning and information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions. The paper examines in detail various forms of distance learning, including webinars, practical online seminars, interactive tasks on educational platforms, thematic discussions, group projects, virtual language clubs, and excursions. The advantages of using such technologies for the development of all types of speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and the formation of students' communicative competence are described. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of educational platforms (Moodle, Google Classroom), mobile applications (Duolingo, Memrise), video conferencing (Zoom, Microsoft Teams) and gamification technologies that help to increase student motivation and make the learning process more flexible and accessible.

The article discusses both the positive aspects of distance learning - individualization of the learning process, the ability to work at one's own pace, access to a variety of educational resources and materials - and the limitations, such as the need for a high level of self-organization among students, dependence on a stable technical infrastructure, and difficulties in controlling independent work. The authors offer a number of recommendations for adapting a foreign language course to a distance format and conclude that, given an adequate technical base and competent organization of the educational process, distance technologies can significantly increase the effectiveness of foreign language learning, allowing for the creation of a virtually complete foreign language environment and improving students' practical skills. Thus, distance learning and the use of ICTs open up new horizons for improving foreign language teaching methods in higher education institutions. An important condition for the successful application of these technologies is the continuous professional development of teachers and the integration of the latest educational solutions into the educational process. The authors emphasize that it is the combination of traditional and modern teaching methods that can ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness of teaching.

In cites: Tupchenko V.V., Pasichnyk M.V. (2024). Transforming a foreign language course at an engineering university into a comprehensive distance format. Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education, (83), 85-93.



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