Purpose. Military operations in Ukraine prompt to reconsider the essence of pedagogical skills of modern specialists in the pedagogical field to meet the requirements of the country's reconstruction in the post-war period. In this context, given that one of the main directions of education reform is its transition to an innovative basis, the problems of forming an innovative culture in pedagogical staff are gaining special attention. At the same time, the total transition of education to a competence-based approach requires a new approach, and this approach can be realized if the analyzed contingent has this new phenomenon. Considering the above peculiarities, the stages and system of basic determinants of forming the innovative culture of future pedagogical specialists should be theoretically substantiated and developed.
Methods. The research used a set of methods, including structural analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization to study scientific literature, regulatory and normative documents to determine innovative trends in the development of education and the content of the concept of “innovative culture”; method of theoretical modeling of the process of formation of innovative culture of future pedagogical specialists, retrospective analysis of own experience to find out the stages of this process and the appropriate system for their successful implementation.
Results. The essence of the concept of “innovative culture of future pedagogical specialists” has been studied. It has been established that the analyzed specialists are carriers of innovative culture, provided that they are positively motivated to implement innovations in the educational process, have formed the appropriate competence for its implementation and are highly active in the development and application of innovative technologies. Based on this, the structural components of innovation culture are the focus on innovation, intellectual competence and innovation activity.
Based on the systemic, activity-based, personality-oriented approaches; the basics of modeling educational processes; and own experience, it is determined that the formation of the innovative culture of future teachers is possible provided that such stages as motivational and ideological, design and implementation, and corrective and improvement are implemented.
It has been proved that to form an innovative culture in future pedagogical professionals, it is necessary to consider the basic determinants of this process, including methodological, organizational, pedagogical, and psychological and pedagogical ones.
Conclusions. The formation of innovative culture in future pedagogical specialists is important for the quality training of specialists involved in the reproduction of the country in the post-war period. The identified stages of innovative culture formation of the analyzed specialists (motivational and ideological, design and implementation, corrective and improving) and the basic determinants of this process (methodological, organizational and pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical) will accelerate the implementation of innovative technologies in the professional training of specialists.
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