The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of designing a personalized educational environment for computer specialists in non-formal education. The essence of the concepts of “design”, “non-formal education”, “personalization” and “educational environment” in the context of the study has been analyzed. It is emphasized that the educational environment is the system in which psychological and pedagogical conditions and influences are implemented to promote the development of the students' abilities and personal characteristics. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific information sources, the components of a personalized educational environment in non-formal education are identified, namely: spatial, which determines the architectural and aesthetic design and symbolic content of the non-formal education institution; professional and value, revealing the motivation for applying to non-formal education, the value attitude of the applicant to it; content and methodological, defining formats, technologies, resources, forms of self-control, control, opportunities for educational choice, etc. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of these components. The components identified through theoretical design form a model of a personalized educational environment for computer professionals in non-formal education.
The research methods include system analysis, theoretical analysis, and analysis of scientific information sources. The article describes the components and characteristics of the personalized educational environment for computer specialists in non-formal education, so that specialists of this profile will find useful theoretical and practical recommendations to be applied.
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