Problems of correlation between state and market regulation of the education system

Keywords: state regulation; market regulation; education system; higher education; educational services market; investments in education


The article deals with the problems of correlation between state and market regulation of the education system. It is determined that today, with the increasing importance of higher education, the role of regulation of this sphere increases. This regulation is carried out as market methods, such as: the impact of demand from the population, enterprises, competition between universities. And the methods used by the state: administrative and legal regulation, the influence of the state order, subsidies, tax regulation. The effective ratio of state and market forces in the higher education system is determined in each country depending on the social and economic problems to be solved.

Determining the optimal combination of state and market mechanisms for regulating the higher education system is a complex problem. At its decision it is necessary to consider at least three factors, such as, strategic priorities of development of economy, current conditions of improvement of production forces and a social and political situation at present time. Each factor can influence the determination of the optimum.

Thus, when the main directions of economic development are to achieve high labor productivity, increase participation in international economic relations, focus on the export of high-tech technologies, industrial products, it is necessary to improve the quality of specialists trained in the system of higher education. Achieving this is possible only with significant state regulation, when the impact on higher education is carried out in the framework of General regulation of the economy, aimed at improving the efficiency of economic processes. Even if economic development looks good, it is not advisable to completely abandon public participation, as it is necessary to constantly stimulate investment in education. Knowledge becomes obsolete over time, and a country that does not pay enough attention to education may face serious problems in the future.


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Author Biography

Nadiya Sierkova, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Listener of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy, KRI NAPA


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Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development