Improving comprehensive mechanism for state regulation of regional strategic development: redesigning integrated approach to Ukrainian

  • Lukashov O.O. Gryshyna аспірант кафедри економічної політики та менеджменту ХарРІ НАДУ
Keywords: strategic development, integrated mechanism, “learning region”, target tree, control parameter, ability to realize relevant competencies, necessary capabilities


The paper provides substantiation of the integrated approach to improving the comprehensive mechanism for state regulation of regional strategic development in Ukraine based on the ‘learning
region’ scientific concept. Presentation of the comprehensive mechanism in the form of a three-level structure allows considering it, on the one hand, in an enlarged way within a whole region, and on the other hand, in a detailed way – at the regional level, the level of a large inter-sector project and a regional program with its own budget funds and responsibility for them.


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Regional and Industrial Management