The place and role of the Institute of the President of Ukraine in the system of state administration of national security of the country
The place and role of the Institute of the President of Ukraine in the system of state administration of national security of the country The article deals with the problematic aspects of the establishment and development of a presidential institution in Ukraine as a key institution in the system of public administration in the sphere of national security. The categorical-conceptual terminology, the source base for the formation and functioning of the head of state in Ukraine has been analyzed, the existence of certain algorithms, regularities and dynamics of its development and the factor of socio-political reaction to processes on timely response to the challenges and threats to the national security of our state have been determined.
Summing up the various definitions of the “Institute of the President” in the context of providing national security, one can conclude that under this institution understood the rganized, formalized relations of the highest electoral political institution in a country that works within the constitutional and legal framework defining the status and powers of the head of state, and is the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens of this state, of its national sovereignty and ensuring the protection of national security. Taking into account the significance of the terms “Institute of the President”, “state administration”, “national security”, we consider that the influence of the Presidential Institute on national security is a set of techniques, methods, forms and principles of influence and interaction of the Presidential Institute as one of the most important elements of the system of public administration, formed and operating on the basis of relevant constitutional and other normative-legal documents, which realizes its functions through the mechanisms of public administration based on system-synergistic action forward and feedback within the existing legal space and national interests as a transformational relationship between society and its social, economic, political, cultural and situation.
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