The answer to local self-government: the definition of the concept

Keywords: responsibility, local self-government responsibility in local self-government.


Different approaches to categorization "responsibility" are analyzed. It is emphasized that it is important for the science of public administration and administration of its own category. To do this, you must use the overlays of various branches of science. We will focus on defining the concept of "responsibility in local government" in its public management discourse.

It is emphasized that it is important for the science of public administration and administration of its own category. To do this, you must use the overlays of various branches of science.

Based on the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" detailing the elements of the mechanism of responsibility in local self-government. In particular, in Art. 74 (Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government), the author states that bodies and officials of local self-government are responsible for their activities to the territorial community, the state, legal entities and individuals, and the grounds, types and procedure of responsibility of local government bodies and officials are determined by the Basic Law of Ukraine, this and other laws.

The definition of the category of responsibility in the local self-government is given. The author's responsibility in local self-government is proposed to be considered as a system of clearly administrative sanctions for actions or inactivity of the entities of the system of local self-government, which arise in the event of the implementation of their decisions, non-fulfillment of their obligations.

Representative bodies and officials of local self-government are responsible at the national level, provided by the norms of legislative acts, and at the local level, defined by the rules of the statutes of territorial communities and normative-legal acts of the councils or their executive bodies, as well as pre-election obligations and programs.

Useful, the author's opinion, in further research is the development of a system of clearly administered sanctions on liability in local self-government.


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Author Biography

Yuriy Olkhovskyi, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Post-graduate Student of the Regional Administration and Local self-government Department,
KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration