Transformation of the rating system for evaluation of educational activity results as a tool for quality assurance under integration in the Еuropean higher education area
The paper is a continuation of the authors’ surveys regarding the formation of an integrated methodology for the rating evaluation of the academic activity results of higher educational institutions in Ukraine, aimed at ensuring proper operation, development and enhancement of the competitive capacity of the domestic higher education system and its integration in the global educational environment and the European higher education area. It is emphasized that the results of higher educational institutions should be measured not only by extensive indices in absolute terms as relating to the degree of their integration in global systems and their resource capacity, but, in the first place, by criteria that evaluate achievement of the strategic objective of their activity as to meeting social needs. As a conceptual evaluation model, a universal STEPS model was proposed, which suggests evaluating results of higher educational institutions’ activity by clear-cut criteria within the framework of five rating categories. Additionally, a special focus was maintained on the fact that for raising the profile and increasing the practical importance of the evaluation results it is necessary to concentrate on evaluating higher educational institutions’ activity according to specific fields of training within the specified areas of knowledge and specialties. The conceptual approaches to development and implementation of higher education quality indices – integrated field-specific index and specialty-specific index of evaluating the academic activity of higher educational institutions – have been formulated.
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