Forming Features of Thermoelastic Peaks at Heavy Metal Bombardment by Ions of Low and Intermediate Energies

  • Alexandr Kalinichenko National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Sergej Perepelkin National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Vladimir Strel’nitskij National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: low–energy ion, amorphous and/or (nano)crystalline target, heavy metals, atomic cascade, melting


Possibility of forming of the subsurface nonlocal thermoelastic peaks (SNTP) by ions of low and intermediate energies  in heavy metals is investigated. By examples of ions Xe+(U+) implanted to amorphous or (nano)crystalline Au (U), the existence of such ion boundary energy ~ (15–50) keV is shown that the SNTP with energy  forms according to the model of NTP of low-energy ion which was earlier proposed. By the judgement method of cascades appearing at computer simulation of ion bombardment process the values ENTP are determined for examined combinations of “ion-metal”. It is shown that SNTP formation is possible at  as a simply heating region appearing on basis of subsurface (sub)cascade. SNTP parameters are determined by (sub)cascade size, heat smearing and phonon loss in the (sub)cascade. Upper estimate of probability of spherical SNTP formation with material melting for combinations “U+ - U”, ”Xe+ - Au” and ion energy  is given.



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How to Cite
Kalinichenko, A., Perepelkin, S., & Strel’nitskij, V. (2012). Forming Features of Thermoelastic Peaks at Heavy Metal Bombardment by Ions of Low and Intermediate Energies. East European Journal of Physics, (991(1), 28-33. Retrieved from