Higher Education in Dynamic Conditions of (Post)Modernity: is There a Mission? (Based on the Results of Focused Group Interviews)
The article presents the results of a sociological study of the perception by participants of the educational process of the mission and higher school role in the dynamic conditions of (post)modernity. This study was carried out by order of the World Bank by the Sociological Association of Ukraine in 2019. Five institutions of higher education I-II (two institutions) and III-IV (three institutions) levels of accreditation were involved in this study. Five focused group interviews were conducted with heads of various structural divisions and average teachers of selected higher education institutions. The relationship and coexistence of such main tasks of a modern university as "teach", "enlighten", "educate", "research", "earn" are analyzed. The main specifications and features of the perception and practice of the status of a research university in Ukrainian socio-cultural and historical realities are defined. The practical experience of the functioning of Ukrainian higher education between the poles of elitism and mass, "vocation and profession" is given. The issue of the effectiveness of higher education institutions and how it can be investigated and measured has been studied. In particular, the place and role of higher education institutions in the economic development of the country has been investigated. The main dilemmas of differentiation, cooperation and competition are formulated as key processes in the modern higher education system of Ukraine. The conclusions regarding the perception of the main subjects of the educational process of the mission of the university in (post)modern conditions are argued. Prospective directions of further sociological studies of the mission of university education have been determined.
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