Social work with parents of children of a typical level of development as a condition for expanding inclusive space

  • Т. І. Крайнова
Keywords: an inclusive society, a family, children of a typical level of development, an expanded inclusive space


The main directions, forms and methods of working with parents of children of a typical level of development are elucidated in the article. These forms and methods contribute to the successful formation of their inclusive worldview, to the formation of practical experience of inclusive communication and provide an opportunity to pass on this experience to their children within the limits of the third component of an expanded inclusive space – in the social sector.


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How to Cite
Крайнова, Т. І. (2018). Social work with parents of children of a typical level of development as a condition for expanding inclusive space. «SOCIOPROSTIR: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK», (7), 60-63. Retrieved from