Depopulation in Ukraine: national specifics and regional peculiarities

  • Ірина Мельник Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University
Keywords: population reproduction, demographical potential, depopulation, constricted mode of reproduction, birthrate, mortality.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of reproduction of the demographical potential of the population of Ukraine. The nature of the depopulation has been determined, the outstanding characteristics and the regional peculiarities of depopulation in the country has been detected, the distinctions of this process flowing in urban settlements and in villages has been stated, the consequences of the long-term violation of reproduction for the country has been focused on.


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Author Biography

Ірина Мельник, Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Geography of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Мельник, І. (2016). Depopulation in Ukraine: national specifics and regional peculiarities. Human Geography Journal, 13(2), 61-65. Retrieved from