Social and geographic peculiarities and metaphysic approaches of global crises

  • Павло Шуканов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: global problems of mankind, world system, globalization, transformation of the world, global crises, tradition, metaphysics, sacral and geographic space.


On the basis of analyzing reports of the Roman club the most important aspects of global human problems are studied. Interconnection between these problems, threat of planetary crises and modeling of global and regional development of antroposphere is identified. Dialectic grounding of global crises possibility is suggested, metaphysic reasons for qualitative and quantitative transformation of the world are researched. Special attention is paid to inevitability of ontologic controversy (conflict) between industrial and traditional style of life of a society. Social and geographic peculiarities of developing world system are studied on the basis of sacral and scientific interrelation of all levels of space hierarchy of antroposphere. The prior criteria of evaluating different manifestations and prospects of global crises development are considered to be qualitative indicators of traditional and cultural development of the society.


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Author Biography

Павло Шуканов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Department of Social and Economic Geography and Region Studies


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How to Cite
Шуканов, П. (2016). Social and geographic peculiarities and metaphysic approaches of global crises. Human Geography Journal, 13(2), 38-42. Retrieved from