Suggestions for activating the activities of the tourist enterprise «Let's go with us»

Keywords: tourism, tourist service, tourism enterprise, tours, activation, efficiency


The sphere of services is one of the most important spheres of public life that influences the quality of life of the population. Tourist service is the result of the activities of a tourist enterprise aimed at satisfying the corresponding needs of tourists. The work of a tourist enterprise includes organizing the entire trip and providing individual services.

The analysis of tourist enterprises in conditions of economic instability and practical proposals for increasing their economic activity are a relevant research topic. The works of domestic scientists on the organization of tourist activities, analysis of the activities of tourist enterprises, characteristics of organizational processes, creation and operation of a tourist enterprise, technology of designing, developing, and selling tourist products were analyzed in the study. The choice of the research object - the network of travel agencies "Let's Go Together", which ranks 18th out of 50 tourist companies in the national rating of 2022, is sufficiently competitive in the market of tourist services, and has the opportunity to improve its rating through activity optimization.

Based on the analysis, proposals were formulated to activate and increase the efficiency of the network of travel agencies "Let's Go Together", which found reflection in the following directions: expanding the range of services, namely creating a new tourist product - detox tours, introducing Instagram tours, promoting cruise tourism, actively developing domestic tourism; a wide selection of various types of tours. The second direction: intensification of advertising activities, including in social networks. The third direction: implementation of a flexible discount system. At the final stage of the work, the main business processes and types of enterprise activities were identified and the main obstacles that may affect the implementation of these business processes were identified.


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Author Biography

Valentina Oliinyk, International Humanitarian University, Fontanskaya road, 33, Odesa, 65000, Ukraine

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Management


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, V. (2024). Suggestions for activating the activities of the tourist enterprise «Let’s go with us». Human Geography Journal, 36, 57-62.