Author Guidelines
«Human Geography Journal» seeks to publish those papers that are most influential in the fields or across the fields of Social and Economic Geography and that will significantly contribute to the advances of scientific understanding. We also welcome all other relevant subject areas. Selected papers should present novel and broadly important data, syntheses, concepts as well as some narrower research in the subject area. We welcome submissions from all fields of Geography and from any source. We are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. «Human Geography Journal» is published in print twice per year.
«Human Geography Journal» accepts papers to the following sections: «Science Skylines» (more than 20 pages); «Research reports» (more than 15 pages); «Reviews» (up to 5 pages); «Personalities» (up to 3 pages); «Chronicle» (up to 1 page); «Jubilees» (up to 1 page).
All authors must agree to be so listed and must have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to the Journal. The Journal will send an email to all authors to confirm receipt of each paper. Submission of a paper that has not been approved by all authors may result in immediate rejection without further appeal.
According to the requirements of HAC Ukraine original articles in professional journals should contain the following sections:
- Problem definition and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.
- Analysis of recent research and publications discussing the problem the author relies on.
- Pointing out unresolved part of the problem which the article concerns.
- Formulation of the purpose of the article (setting a problem).
- The main material of the research and explanation of the obtained scientific results.
- Conclusion from the research and prospects for further development in this direction.
Requirements to the Manuscript: Every page field is 20 mm; 210x297 mm page format; Times New Roman 14; spacing 1.5. For his/her paper the author must specify universal decimal classification number (on the left) and the author’s name is printed on the right (in the same line). The paper title is printed in the following line in capitals.
An abstract (up to 1800 characters) and key words (5 – 8) in Ukrainian (font 10, Italic) should be placed just below the paper title. It is followed by the author, a paper title, summary and key words in both English. The summary should display fully and briefly the content of the article.
The summary must be: up to 1800 characters; informative (not include general sentences); original (not a copy of Ukrainian annotations); profound (show the main content of articles and research results); structuring (meet the description logic results in the article).
The paper text is placed just below these three abstracts. All illustrations and figures should be embedded in the paper text.
The list of references is given transferred to Latin (transliterated and translated into English if there is English version of the source) and links placed in accordance with international standards APA (Americаn Psychological Association).
Authors should submit the following personal information: full name, academic degree and academic status, place of employment, position, address of the organization, contact phone number, e-mail, ORCID ID.
Manuscripts that are not designed properly, will not be accepted for publication.
Editors reserve the right to make editorial revision of the manuscript.
The deadline for submitting the articles is:
No. 1 - April 15
No. 2 - October 15