Non-existent churches as Ukrainian cultural heritage in sacral landscape of Tisna commune

  • Hanna Kozak John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Konstantynuw 1H, Lublin, 20-708, Poland,
  • Іhor Kozak John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Konstantynuw 1H, Lublin, 20-708, Poland,
Keywords: sacred landscape, Ukrainian church, Tisna commune


The article presents the Non-existent churches in sacred landscape in Tisna commune (in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland). These churches represent 16 sacral objects with the architectural specificity of the Ukrainian national wooden and stone church. History of Non-existent churches in the landscape of Tisna commune has been analyzed. In particular, there was noted the uniqueness of the Ukrainian church, the technique of "zrub" and elements of "zalom" in Ukrainian architecture. This aspect integrates Ukrainian churches, which vary only in terms proportions in length, width and height. Ukrainian churches in Tisna commune were destroyed after the mass deportation of Ukrainian ethnic population from their land after the year 1947. Churches lost the religious, cultural and national role and sacred landscape lost its meaning. Non-existent churches (16) occupy almost 100% of all the churches in the study area. The article shows the specificity of Ukrainian wooden and stone churches architecture. Eight churches were destroyed during and after the deportation of Ukrainians in the years 1945-1947 inSolynka, Strubowyśka, Smerek, Luh, Buk, Kryve, Zavij, Kalnytsya. Two churches were destroyed in the postwar period in Vetlyna and Yavorets. Five churches were disassembled in the postwar period in Lisna, Habkivtsi, Dovzhytsya, Tisna and Zubryache. In the place of St. Dmytrij church in Vetlina that was destroyed a Roman Catholic Church was built. Non-existent churches were analyzed in the Tisna commune with their surrounding landscape. It is proved that these all are original and represent a wide diversity of architecture and symbols of Ukrainian religious architecture, showing the Ukrainian character that harmonizes the area and landscape. The article discusses the perspective of maintaining and reconstructing churches, as well as manner and methods of studying this issue.


Author Biographies

Hanna Kozak, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Konstantynuw 1H, Lublin, 20-708, Poland,

Master, Assistant, Department of Nature Preservation and Landscape

Іhor Kozak, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Konstantynuw 1H, Lublin, 20-708, Poland,

DSc (Biology), Professor, Head of Department of Landscape Ecology


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How to Cite
Kozak, H., & KozakІ. (2017). Non-existent churches as Ukrainian cultural heritage in sacral landscape of Tisna commune. Human Geography Journal, 22(1), 83-88.
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