Formation and distribution of international tourism flows in geographical space

  • Oleksandr Korol Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kotsyubynsky 2, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine,
Keywords: international tourism, geographical space, behaviorism, tourism motives, spatial model


Properties of geographical space that are of key importance for international tourism, as length and discreteness, are analyzed in the article. Length makes tourists cover distances, whereas discreteness manifests itself in spatial heterogeneity. Tourism in conditions of homogeneous space is vain. That is, heterogeneity brings sense to travels as well as determines their direction. So, the effect of geographical space’s length and spatial heterogeneity on formation and distribution of tourism flows is assessed, international tourism’s geographical essence is disclosed also.

Apperception of geographical space in usual environment and its effect on tourist’s original motives are described. Following the bases of behaviorism, the tourism original motives, in particular those for migration, comfort, contrast and aesthetics are substantiated. The motive for migration is a kind of “pushing” tourists outside their usual environment. To stop all fears that may cause anxiety in destination, the latter should guarantee satisfaction of those human needs which A. Maslow refers to as basic needs. The necessity to satisfy these needs forms in tourists the motive for comfort. Closely located destinations in neighboring countries can be of little difference form usual environment. Driven by the motive for contrast, tourists aspire to visit places that totally differ from their usual environment, and contrast (are exotic to) it. Thus, the motive for contrast seemingly “pulls” the tourists up to certain (exotic) destinations.

Finally, following the considered spatial specificities of land surface and tourist-driving original motives, a conceptual model of formation and distribution of international tourism flows in geographical space is developed.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Korol, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kotsyubynsky 2, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Geography and Tourism Management


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How to Cite
Korol, O. (2017). Formation and distribution of international tourism flows in geographical space. Human Geography Journal, 22(1), 26-31.
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