Place of health care system in social infrastructure

  • Taras Pogrebskyi Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: health care system, social infrastructure, standard of living, territorial organization, development


Currently one of the most important areas of geographic research is the study of the social development of the region. Social infrastructure serves as an important condition that is necessary for life, while its effective operation contributes to the level and quality of life. Health care system is one of the priority areas of research in social and economic geography.

Service sector is a set of economic branches whose products appears in the form of a purposeful activity or service. As part of an integrated system of social infrastructure some of its elements are grouped into specific subsystems that perform certain functions. In particular, subsystem of health care system serves as the medical services. It includes institutions (hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, health centers, rest homes, medical points, etc.), medical staff (doctors, nurses and medical personnel, staff of kitchen, dining room, laundry, etc.) and services of health care (diagnosis, screening, prevention, treatment, etc.).

Territorial organization of society includes components such as the distribution of population and industries of production and non-production sectors (including health care), natural resources, territorial division of labor, economic regionalization. At the present level of geographical scientific research, territorial organization of society acts as the main object of study of social and economic geography. Health care system, as a key component of the territorial organization of society is a geographically organized system of health care facilities, which are aimed at preserving and improving public health. Balanced development of health care system is determined by its value in society.


Author Biography

Taras Pogrebskyi, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
PhD (Geography), Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic and Social Geography


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How to Cite
Pogrebskyi, T. (2016). Place of health care system in social infrastructure. Human Geography Journal, 20(1), 105-108.