recreational resources, currais, mourinhos, manuelino style, pombaline style, Algarve, Alentejo, tourist regions, biosocial resources.
Nature and culture resources of the Portugal recreational complex are considered in this paper. The country position is determined in the tourist market of the European region and the South Europe. The tourist specialization of the Portugal regions – the North, Lisbon, the Center, Algarve, Alentejo, Azores, and Madeira – is characterized in the paper. The tourist flow indexes are considered for the travel purpose. The territorial distribution of recreational resources is considered in this paper as a base for specialization formation of the country’s tourist regions.
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3. Instituto Nacional de Estatistica [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.ine.pt/
4. Istoriya Portugalii / Jose Hermano Saraiva; рer. s port. – M.: Izdatelstvo «Ves mir», 2007. – 384 s. [История Португалии / Хосе Хермано Сараива; пер. с порт. – М.: Издательство «Весь мир», 2007. – 384 с.].
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7. Maslyak P.O. Rekreaciyna geografia: navc. posibnyk / P.O. Maslyak. – K.: Znannya, 2008. – 343 s. [Масляк П.О. Рекреаційна географія: навч. посібник / П.О. Масляк. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 343 с].
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9. Portugal. Economic impact 2013 // WTTC [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.wttc.org/site_media/uploads/downloads/portugal2013_2.pdf
10. Plano Estratégico Nacional do turismo. Revisão e objetivos – 2013-2015 / Governo de Portugal // Ministerio da economia e do emprego. – Lisboa, 2013. – P. 74 [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.turismodeportugal.pt/Portugu%C3%AAs/turismodeportugal/publicacoes/ Documents/PENT%202013%20vfinal.pdf
11. Putevoditel. Portugalia / M. Strogov, P.-K. Broshe, D. Ozmas. – Moskva: Avangard. – 178 s. [Путеводитель. Португалия / М. Строгов, П.-К. Броше, Д. Озмас. – Москва: Авангард. – 178 с.].
12. Relatorio de emigracao. Fronteiras e asilo-2012. Servico de estrangeiros e fronteiras / Portal de estatistica [Elek-tronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://sefstat.sef.pt/Docs/Rifa%202012.pdf.
13. Tourism Highlights. 2013 Edition / UNWTO [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://tourlib.net/wto/WTO_highlights_2013.pdf
14. Turismo de Portugal / Governo de Portugal [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.turismodeportugal.pt/
15. Visit Portugal. Regions [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.visitportugal.com/
16. Wine regions / Wines of Portugal [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.winesofportugal.info/
17. World Heritage Convention // UNESCO [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/
2. Estatisticas do turismo-2012 / Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Lisboa, 2013. – 150 p.
3. Instituto Nacional de Estatistica [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.ine.pt/
4. Istoriya Portugalii / Jose Hermano Saraiva; рer. s port. – M.: Izdatelstvo «Ves mir», 2007. – 384 s. [История Португалии / Хосе Хермано Сараива; пер. с порт. – М.: Издательство «Весь мир», 2007. – 384 с.].
5. Kingsley, Karen. Gothic Art, Visigothic Architecture in Spain and Portugal: A Study in Masonry, Documents and Form, 1980; International Census of Doctoral Dissertations in Medieval Art, 1982 – 1993.
6. Kubler, George, Soria, Martin. Art and Architecture in Spain and Portugal and their Dominions, 1500—1800. – New York, 1959.
7. Maslyak P.O. Rekreaciyna geografia: navc. posibnyk / P.O. Maslyak. – K.: Znannya, 2008. – 343 s. [Масляк П.О. Рекреаційна географія: навч. посібник / П.О. Масляк. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 343 с].
8. Portugal. Travel and Tourism. Economic impact - 2014 // WTTC [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.wttc.org/site_media/uploads/downloads/portugal2014.pdf
9. Portugal. Economic impact 2013 // WTTC [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.wttc.org/site_media/uploads/downloads/portugal2013_2.pdf
10. Plano Estratégico Nacional do turismo. Revisão e objetivos – 2013-2015 / Governo de Portugal // Ministerio da economia e do emprego. – Lisboa, 2013. – P. 74 [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.turismodeportugal.pt/Portugu%C3%AAs/turismodeportugal/publicacoes/ Documents/PENT%202013%20vfinal.pdf
11. Putevoditel. Portugalia / M. Strogov, P.-K. Broshe, D. Ozmas. – Moskva: Avangard. – 178 s. [Путеводитель. Португалия / М. Строгов, П.-К. Броше, Д. Озмас. – Москва: Авангард. – 178 с.].
12. Relatorio de emigracao. Fronteiras e asilo-2012. Servico de estrangeiros e fronteiras / Portal de estatistica [Elek-tronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://sefstat.sef.pt/Docs/Rifa%202012.pdf.
13. Tourism Highlights. 2013 Edition / UNWTO [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://tourlib.net/wto/WTO_highlights_2013.pdf
14. Turismo de Portugal / Governo de Portugal [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.turismodeportugal.pt/
15. Visit Portugal. Regions [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.visitportugal.com/
16. Wine regions / Wines of Portugal [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.winesofportugal.info/
17. World Heritage Convention // UNESCO [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/
How to Cite
Ярьоменко, С. (2014). PORTUGAL RECREATIONAL COMPLEX: STRUCTURE AND TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION. Human Geography Journal, 17(2), 129-135. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2014-17-21
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