• Сергій Ярьоменко Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Keywords: ranked and unranked groups, inter-ethnic processes and relations, marginalization, linguistic conformity, border society, ethnophor


The problems of geopolitical and geocultural aspects of interethnic relations, features of processes and factors influencing on the ethnic formation and development, their interaction are considered in this paper. The main aspects of intraethnic processes of Ukrainian ethnos, the
general tendencies of interethnic processes in the Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian space were characterized.


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Author Biography

Сергій Ярьоменко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
PhD in Geography, Assistant of Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel Business Department


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How to Cite
Ярьоменко, С. (2015). POLITICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF INTER-ETHNIC RELATIONS. Human Geography Journal, 15(2), 90-94. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2013-15-16