Assessing the sustainability of urban spaces based on city strategy analysis
The level of urbanization worldwide rises. The increase in urban population stimulates economic growth, improvements in healthcare and education systems, and the creation of new jobs. However, the concentration of urban population leads to air and water pollution, the depletion of arable land, and other challenges. These issues hinder the achievement of sustainable development in countries. To regulate and control this issue, government authorities worldwide are developing and implementing strategies and development plans for cities to steer the urbanization process towards the desired sustainable development indicators. To gauge the success of these strategies, a set of indicators has been developed to show the resilience of urban development. The list of indicators varies significantly in global practices as they are tailored to specific city needs.
This paper presents a list of indicators that are consistently applied across six strategies for the development of Ukrainian cities (Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro, Vinnytsia). The indicators are grouped into three categories: economic, social, and environmental. For each indicator in these categories, a standardized unit of measurement was established, and additional indicators that may not be directly comparable but are included in international urban sustainability indicator lists were also incorporated. This set of indicators is not comprehensive and can be adjusted – either expanded or reduced – as needed to align with the city's short-term and long-term sustainable development plans. Through comparative analysis, measures are justified regarding the use of indicators to assess the sustainability of city development.
This study demonstrates the necessity of aligning the indicator selection process based on benchmark indicators derived from advanced global experiences, taking into account successful practices. Future research will strive to combine these indicators to establish a universal approach for calculating a city's sustainable development index. Such an index would provide a valuable tool for policymakers, urban planners, and stakeholders to monitor progress, identify areas needing improvement, and implement targeted interventions. By fostering a holistic and integrated approach to urban development, cities can achieve sustainability goals, enhance the quality of life for their residents, and contribute to global efforts in promoting sustainable urbanization.
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