The image of a contemporary Ukrainian in publicistic works by Sophie Lambroschini (on the example of the book «Les Ukrainiens»)

  • N. Nechaieva Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • O. Fesenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: journalism, information globalization, global communication, stereotype, public opinion, information space


The article is devoted to the image of Ukrainians in French journalism and to stereotypes in the Ukrainian consciousness and information space. This paper examines the relationship between global communication and stereotyped images of representatives of different countries and peoples. The place of journalism in the process of formation, distribution, change, and destruction of stereotypes is reviewed. The analysis of journalistic books by Sophie Lambroschini «Les Ukrainiens» is made from the point of view of the author who highlights the dominant traits of Ukrainians, stereotypes about Ukrainians in the foreign information space. Here are described positive characteristics of the created image and the possibility of their further use, as well as those negative traits that require adjustment or consideration of them in the process of global communication. In conclusion, we describe future prospects of studying of the image of a Ukrainian in foreign journalism of different countries.


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How to Cite
Nechaieva, N., & Fesenko, O. (2017). The image of a contemporary Ukrainian in publicistic works by Sophie Lambroschini (on the example of the book «Les Ukrainiens»). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (9), 70-74. Retrieved from